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I want to sincerely thank everyone who attended and contributed to the success of the BALANCE 2022 Women’s Empowerment Conference. Your presence was felt, filling the day with your unique warmth and love. Thank you for traveling near and far to show your support and receive healing, deliverance, inspiration, equipping, and empowerment!

 I pray that your time here was well spent and that you left feeling whole and balanced. This conference was designed for Christian Women striving to live their best lives possible. I believe that to be the best version God created, you must be whole and balanced in your spirit, emotions, mind, and body. 

One of the main reasons I started this conference was because I know how hard it is to achieve balance on our own. Society tells us that we need to be a certain way and look a certain way, and it’s easy to get caught up in that way of thinking. But balance is so much more than what the world tells us. Balance has a healthy spirit through having a healthy relationship with God, being emotionally stable, having a clear mind, and caring for our physical bodies. 

Women of God when we are balanced in these areas, we gain clarity, can function with empowerment, and maintain momentum with our Kingdom assignments. Here are a few exit tips on how to accomplish these:

1.Live a whole and healthy life. 

Women of God, When we are balanced in all areas of our lives, we can be a light for Christ more effectively. This means living a life that is healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. When we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to take care of others.

2.Be Christ’s hands and feet. 

Let us be His hands and feet in the world, women of God! Serving others in love is one of the ways that we can show others what it looks like to live for Him. When we do this, we point them to the Hope we have in Christ. So let us avoid burnout in our lives by maintaining a healthy balance between serving others and taking care of ourselves spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Then we will be able effectually tell others about the hope that we have found in Him!

3.Impactfully change lives for the better. 

Women of God, we are called to change the lives of others for the better. However, we need to be careful that we don’t lose ourselves in the process. We can avoid this by maintaining healthy boundaries and staying grounded in our faith. When we do these things, we will be able to impactfully change the lives of others without losing ourselves along the way.

Thank you again for coming, and I hope to see you next year at BALANCE 2024!

History of BALANCE Conference:

The BALANCE Conference made its remarkable debut on Saturday, October 29, 2022, at the esteemed Holiday Inn Cleveland Mayfield. This inaugural event marked the beginning of a transformative journey for women seeking spiritual growth, personal empowerment, and holistic well-being.

Under the gracious leadership of Kingdom Influencer and esteemed Prophetess Delsa Christian, the conference embraced a diverse group of 150 women participants who embarked on a shared mission of self-discovery and empowerment. Each attendee brought their unique experiences, perspectives, and aspirations, creating a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere.

The conference offered a profound opportunity for women to explore the intricacies of finding balance in their lives. Prophetess Delsa Christian, the visionary host, captivated the audience with her insightful teachings and powerful messages of empowerment. Her profound wisdom and passionate delivery resonated deeply with the attendees, igniting a flame of transformation within their hearts.

Throughout the day, participants engaged in enlightening workshops, engaging discussions, and uplifting sessions. These interactive experiences provided practical tools, actionable strategies, and valuable insights to guide the attendees towards a more balanced and fulfilled existence. From spiritual nourishment to emotional healing, psychological well-being to physical vitality, the conference addressed the multifaceted aspects of a woman’s life.

The Holiday Inn Cleveland Mayfield served as the perfect backdrop for this momentous occasion. The venue provided a welcoming and comfortable space, conducive to learning, reflection, and connection. Its tranquil surroundings and convenient location further enhanced the overall conference experience, ensuring a memorable and enriching day for all attendees.

One remarkable aspect of the inaugural BALANCE Conference was its accessibility. The event was offered free of charge, eliminating financial barriers and allowing a diverse range of women to participate in this transformative experience. By removing cost as a barrier, the conference aimed to extend its reach and impact, empowering women from all walks of life to embark on a journey towards balance and self-discovery.

As the registration deadline approached on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, the demand for participation grew steadily. The 150 women who were fortunate to secure their spot in this inaugural event showcased the overwhelming interest and enthusiasm for the BALANCE Conference. Their presence and commitment exemplified their desire to embrace personal growth, empower one another, and ignite positive change within themselves and their communities.

The first BALANCE Conference at the Holiday Inn Cleveland Mayfield laid the foundation for future gatherings that would continue to empower and uplift women. It sparked a sense of unity, sisterhood, and resilience among attendees, fostering a community that would journey together towards a life of balance, purpose, and empowerment.

The success of the inaugural event set the stage for subsequent conferences, creating anticipation and excitement for the transformative experiences yet to come. It marked the beginning of a remarkable movement, led by Prophetess Delsa Christian and dedicated to empowering women to embrace their full potential and lead balanced, fulfilled lives.

As the BALANCE Conference continues its journey, it will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the lives of women across the globe, inspiring them to seek balance, ignite their passions, and become catalysts for positive change in their communities and beyond.

With anticipation and gratitude, we look forward to future BALANCE Conferences and the continued growth, empowerment, and transformation they will bring.

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